Oh it's well beyond permanent hold. As much as it was actually fun and a bit fulfilling to run a website, it's a lot of work, time and money. It also meant that I had to be generating content at a much higher rater than I was comfortable with, and my ability to feel passionately about a movie really slipped. I don't know if it came across in the writing, but I certainly was feeling it from behind the screen.
I don't want to make a career or even a large hobby out of movie reviews. They're fun to do, but as I got more and more in to it and more and more in to film in general I realized that I really didn't want any part of it. I'll still do posts on hubski, but that's the extent for now. To a degree, having to review all of those films really ruined movies for me for a while. Now I can take a little bit more relaxed paced.
If it's effecting the enjoyment that caused you to do it in the first place, then you were definitely right to stop. I'm glad you'll still be posting them on Hubski, they're hilarious. You still in OH and hating it? I forget if you moved away? Either way, hope you are well.