Great stuff. Also, the video makes me so nostalgic for so many different things on so many different levels. Lovely. So nice to build bonds with others across the pond, kind of grow up parallel to them. How'd you guys meet up? Just random myspace connect?
You know what, I don't even remember how our paths crossed, but I'm almost 100% sure that it was via MySpace. I think I liked one of his songs and let him know and in turn he listened to my music… Etc. We started sharing music and he sent me a physical copy of his album when it was officially released with a very nice letter. When mine was released shortly after, I followed suit. We have never met in person, but someday we will. The video makes me nostalgic too, though none of my rehearsal spaces or recording spaces were quite that beautiful. Not all of us can record our albums in cabins in the Carolinas :-)
Hah, no, some of us have to settle for recording our albums in our beautiful houses in the Carolinas! I would settle for just recording, at this point. Or the Carolinas. Either one on its own is pretty great.
Trust me, I'm not complaining. The one downside is that my studio is in my home. This means that I basically get zero time to utilize it. I recorded something yesterday though, I had one hour free. It's amazing how much I accomplished in just one hour. I conceived of, and recorded almost an entire song. Necessity, it truly is the mother of invention.
Dude, you write songs like some people make a grocery list. You make, like five a day and have two of them recorded by COB. And they're good, too, which is even crazier. As somebody who averages one song per 2-6 months, I find myself extremely jealous. You're killing me.
I just emailed it to you. You'll feel less crazy once you hear it. No lyrics yet but I hear a melody.
On a side note, I'm psyched to be in Wilmington tonight to see cW play his first set in like 10 years!!
What's cW's band? Or is that privileged info? Either way, hope it's a blast for all involved.
cW is a singer/songwriter and tonight he is playing an acoustic solo set. I'm excited and privileged to be able to see it.