This is some really weird cointelpro shit and it's not okay to say it in the open like you just did. The damage incurred by accusing a legit clandestino is much greater than any benefit that could be obtained by calling out absurd machinations of that sort. Your comment is the kind of thing that should be PMed to teamramonycajal, if it's said at all, to avoid collateral damage or unintended consequences. Pinging clandestino is just outright cruel. The only thing gained by saying this in public is masturbatory pleasure and maybe the petty thrill of a badge and a few circledots. Anyone really concerned with this already knows the possibility.
This is, chapter and verse, the experience I've had twice elsewhere. As to "damage" I'm not sure what damage that would be. As to consequences, I'm not sure what you're worried about. We are, after all, talking about someone who joined (not stopped lurking, joined) Hubski for the specific purpose of confessing an affair. And while it's possible that someone who is "devastated" would choose to introduce herself to a new community in this way, you have to admit the odds are against it. As far as public v. private, I'd have me ignored, wouldn't you? (don't you?) That said, go ahead and be mad. Be self-righteous. And be offensive about it. I'd expect nothing less.
I agree with minimum_wage in a "who gives a fuck about all of this, you guys are wasting your hubski time on dumb bullshit" sort of way, but this: (don't you?) was kind of funny.As far as public v. private, I'd have me ignored, wouldn't you?