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comment by kleinbl00

I think either gender faces sanctions when they flaunt their digressions from the norm. It isn't women who have a lot of sex with multiple partners that face blowback; it's women that visibly have a lot of sex with multiple partners. And while men face different stigmas, they still face stigmas - man-whores don't get invited to family barbecues. A society based on family units will recognize the need of men (and, to a much lesser extent, women) to "sow their wild oats" but positions of responsibility invariably go to the stable.

It's the "bite their thumb at society" part that always gets people in trouble. No one gives a shit what you do behind closed doors unless you're running for office but as soon as you bring it out onto the porch, all of a sudden everyone's got an opinion.

_refugee_  ·  3874 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    either gender faces sanctions when they flaunt their digressions from the norm.

A maxim.

    all of a sudden everyone's got an opinion

And fuck them and theirs, haters gon hate

p.s. please tell me if that link works, I had to copy it funny

kleinbl00  ·  3874 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That link entertains me.