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comment by insomniasexx
insomniasexx  ·  3751 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Helen Tran: The Future of UI and the Dream of the ‘90s  ·  

    In this dream from the 90's, we hoped for a world where every computer knows us personally. We would wake up to them, have them around us all day, and they would be the last thing we interact with before we go to sleep. They would predict our needs and wants and all interfaces would feel as natural as having a conversation with a friend. Technology would become our primary means (or only means) of communication and we would form relationships with these objects that take care of us.


    In other words, we’re expected to translate our emotions through emotionless interfaces.


That's just how film people portrayed these interfaces. Film people and film editors and motion graphics artists are artists - not designers. Design is about functionality. It's about form. It's much less creative than a lot of people realize. Bad designers are typically great artists. But art is about decoration (and emotion and stories and all that jazz) while design is about function.

That's the biggest obstacle I had to overcome when I began designing. Wait? My awesome color picker site that ensures I have the bestest color pallet doesn't make my design great?! We fucking love color in film. Color theory is everything. We masturbate to the symbolism provided by color in great films.

    The work becomes more humanized in its tone and effect, so it becomes easy to see that there are people behind it.

Hmm...this sounds like art to me. Art is about the story and seeing the artist's presence is part of that story. Like film editing, I don't think the notion of the designer should be in the design. They say that the greatest edits are the one's you never notice, the greatest editors are literally never seen. I apply this to designers as well.

    Replicating what we see in everyday life reminds us of our personal experiences so the primary goal should be to make every interaction feel realistic.

Nope. Every interaction and icon and everything doesn't have to be realistic. Icons originated in that way because people had never used a computer before and so they based the icons on things people would recognize. Desktops. Trash Cans. Erasers. Pencils. Most of these icons are now dated (ie: a floppy drive for "save").

Today, we live and breath technology and interfaces. Interactions on devices no longer needs to be "realistic" because realistic no longer only includes real life. It includes all the experiences we've had on these devices for years and years. The push pin on the map has evolved to a simple shape rather than a literal push pin. The primary goal should be to let your users know what they are doing, what they have done, and give them the ability to inherently know how to do whatever they want to do next. We don't even notice it anymore, but we are consistently guided through processes like this every day. It only becomes apparent when the design is bad and we don't know what we are supposed to do next, we don't know what we just did, we don't know how to go back, or we can't figure out how to access what we want to access. See my above point about designers not being seen.

    The future of interface design isn’t a dream from the 90s. The future of interface design is about emotional awareness; connecting us with products the way we connect with each other.

Sure, but I still don't know why your heart has anything to do with this.

kleinbl00  ·  3751 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That you share my disdain for this article brings me an inordinate amount of joy. I can talk the talk, but anybody who hired me to design something would get ripped off no matter how little they paid me.