Yeah I've read those at some point in time. Actually was casting around this Christmas for a copy of all his short stories compiled for a gift, couldn't find it really. Always leave these things too late for Amazon...
Aside: When did Christmas turn in to a time to give gift certificates? I miss actual gifts. I bought my sister a pair of boots she had on her Pinterest "wish list" which to me is similar to a GC. A gift should be a surprise. -last minute I made her a mixed CD too. Hopefully she still has a CD player. Good luck finding the Hemingway short stories. Don't sweat it arriving post holidays, might be even more special.
Feel free to shout-out to me anytime you post music you think I might enjoy given our similarities. I'd appreciate that.
I know mk is working on the site right now and it may have happened as a result. But if it's the page I think it is, it's a Goya sketch that b_b found.