It's cool that it was "newly unearthed" and that it shows her thinking at a young age. I've always enjoyed the writings of her contemporary, Ernest Hemingway. If you haven't already done so, check out The Nick Adams Stories, it's some of Hemingway's earliest writing. We have a copy in my families cabin in Morthern Michigan. I tend to read every other year or so while I'm up there as much if the stories take place in Northern Michigan and the landmarks are familiar. It's interesting to read such talented writers work when they were still so new to it.
Aside: When did Christmas turn in to a time to give gift certificates? I miss actual gifts. I bought my sister a pair of boots she had on her Pinterest "wish list" which to me is similar to a GC. A gift should be a surprise. -last minute I made her a mixed CD too. Hopefully she still has a CD player. Good luck finding the Hemingway short stories. Don't sweat it arriving post holidays, might be even more special.
Feel free to shout-out to me anytime you post music you think I might enjoy given our similarities. I'd appreciate that.
I know mk is working on the site right now and it may have happened as a result. But if it's the page I think it is, it's a Goya sketch that b_b found.