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comment by ecib
ecib  ·  4140 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Period, Our Simplest Punctuation Mark, Has Become a Sign of Anger

Depending on my audience, I've been leaving punctuation out for a while now for exactly the reasons the author described. I think that there is an interesting similarity between emoji and punctuation itself in how much they can color the mood of a communication containing words.

b_b  ·  4140 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I've never considered the period a sign of anger or annoyance. I just looked through my old texts, and I almost never end one without punctuation. I even write things like "Ok." Is that weird? I just think it's normal. Maybe everyone thinks I'm a huge asshole! I really can't see the difference between "let's stay in" and "let's stay in." To me, one seems lazy and one doesn't, bur they convey the exact same thing.

fireballs619  ·  4139 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm relatively young (17), so I can offer some perspective from the teenage side. I definitely think this is one of those issues where it is going to vary greatly with age.

This article is very accurate, at least with regards to my experience. Ending a text with a period generally indicates annoyance or frustration with whatever the previous text was (and can sometimes indicate anger, too). It's really a passive aggressive way to do so, however. If I received "Ok." in response to a suggestion or statement that I had just texted, I would immediately assumed that the other person is upset in some way. I would follow up with something like "What? We could do something else if you want" or something similar.

"Let's stay in" sounds like a sincere suggestion to me; if I were to disagree I would not hesitate to say it and I would assume you to be open to other suggestions for what to do that night. "Let's stay in." is much more firm, almost like a command. I would expect a lot of resistance to doing something other than staying in, and wouldn't bother suggesting something else unless I was really opposed to the idea of staying in.

Exclamation points indicate either sincerity or extreme sarcasm, entirely dependent on context. The question mark still retains its role of forming a question, but, as the article stated, it can make certain statements seem less cocky. It is almost like casting doubt on whatever you just said. "I think I got the highest grade?" Maybe I did, but I am acknowledging that it is possible or even likely I did not.

This is all really interesting stuff. It's fascinating how certain punctuation has picked up these connotations. I've never thought about it before, yet it is completely true.

elizabeth  ·  4139 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yes, exactly. I only use periods when my text is longer than one sentence, which is quite rare since these conversations happen mostly in real time. I texted a bit different when my texts were limited to 250 per month. Now that I have unlimited texting, i'd be more inclined to send the two sentences I want to write separately than put it in one text and use punctuation.

It's crazy how punctuation actually affects the meaning of the sentence:

I'm not mad.

I'm not mad...

I'm not mad

I'm not mad :)

These easily range from "everything's fine" to "we're getting in a fight when you get home".

ecib  ·  4139 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That first 'I'm not mad' is so angry...

b_b  ·  4139 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Huh. This is fascinating to me. I'm 31, and I think there is just a disconnect in the way older and younger people communicate. Typically, I use commas and periods in a text just like I would on hubski or other social media sites. That is, I'm not a stickler, but I try to keep it relatively proper. It's never crossed my mind that a period could be in any way misconstrued. Thanks for the insight.

ecib  ·  4140 days ago  ·  link  ·  

We're of an age where the period is just a period. I only do this with younger folks like my nephews. The older you are the better text grammar you get from me in general.