Similarly, all the women's dating advice books say to ask men to talk about themselves. Regardless of gender or gender preference, it's flattering and kind to take a genuine interest in another person and they are likely to respond well. Haha. Hopefully you and I will never find ourselves on a first date together. I think it would be horribly silent. Or maybe peacefully, magically silent. In that case, perhaps it would be perfect!I'm actually quite uncomfortable talking about myself...
Sounds wonderful. I've found myself caught in a situation the last few days where I am forced to sit and listen to 13 other people make uncomfortable small talk for hours at a stretch (in a jury sequester room; I would love to talk about it, but I can't yet legally do so, although I have been composing a Hubski post about the experience in my head). I am the one dude who brings a book (hooray for getting Blood Meridian read for Hubski book club!), and doesn't speak to anyone else. I think it weirds the rest of the people out, but I won't change my behavior just to not come off as weird or eccentric or disinterested. I don't know why people's mouths have to constantly be in motion to make them feel comfortable.