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comment by lil
lil  ·  4195 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Innovation of Loneliness on Vimeo

It looks like I lose no matter what I say. So I'd better get things straight here once and for all, subject to backtracking, rewriting, editing, misspeaking, apologizing and so on.

1. tng said to someone earlier in the day, before I showed up, that he could never be as amazing as lil thinks he is. You are not only as amazing as I think you are, you are more amazing than I think you are and my expectations were very high. How amazing were you: Well in the first place, you brought your father and your sister. In other words, you are connected to real people, not just us imaginary friends. 2. you and mk paid for dinner. Sweet. 3. you managed to find one picture where I didn't look totally awful (the one with the hat). So you see, your amazingness is really all about me. and for the record, the whole group, even ecib b_b were shorter than their internet selves which are GIANTS of towering intellect, compassion, generosity, and love. None of you could ever be as tall as your internet selves. Even the impressive theadvancedapes is shorter than his internet self.

I hope I also appeared shorter than my internet self. I hope IRL I appeared much much older than my internet self or younger. Either one. I wasn't really afraid to meet anyone. I am not interested in appearing shorter, taller, older, or younger. I yam what I yam as popeye said. It was a long journey and continues to be a long journey.

By the way, the meetup and all things Detroit continue to come up in many conversations. When people ask how it all began, I always say it began with the Higgs-Boson.

Interesting video, btw.

thenewgreen  ·  4194 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thank you lil. I should mention that b_b also threw in on that bill and I basically had to forcedly remove ecib's credit card from the table. Also, for what it's worth b_b, I've never thought of you as short IRL... only online :)

lil  ·  4194 days ago  ·  link  ·  


ecib  ·  4185 days ago  ·  link  ·  

BTW, thank you lil. It was incredibly nice meeting you. You have no idea.


    When people ask how it all began, I always say it began with the Higgs-Boson.

I wonder if you have heard the Higgs Boson Blues? http://grooveshark.com/s/Higgs+Boson+Blues/5308So?src=5

I can't get it out of my head...

lil  ·  4185 days ago  ·  link  ·  

wow - that is one evocative haunting song...

ecib  ·  4185 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Nick Cave is kind of an amazing and dark (less so now than in the beginning and middle of his career) poet. His musical catalog spans quite a range, -a you might love one album but hate the next. His newest album in particular (Push the sky away) is extremely poetry-centric and mindbogglingly good imho. I think it's all up there on grooveshark, and if you check out the whole album I strongly suggest looking up the original track order on the web and listening in that order :)

I saw him perform this live and it was electric.