So I've been doing a project where we are working in a small consortium of a few U.S. based companies. There's two regular companies, and two independent contracters we're working with. Thus I get a small slice into their work lives. - One guy's been working from his basement because the kids are now homeschooled because his wife lost her job. He's making overtime to compensate. - One of the more dumb-as-a-brick consultants has been under constant fear of losing his shitty job and broke down during a meeting. I don't see him finding a new job anytime soon. - One of the independent contractors has been without any new gigs since March. She can't get a foot in the door anywhere. Had a meeting yesterday where she showed up in pajamas and very large bags under her eyes. - The other independent contractor is basically a pensioner with a hobby so he's fine. Overall...not good.