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kleinbl00  ·  1920 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Fortnite

    The author seems to be a techno-futurist judging by his tone.

Well, consider the source. Media ReDEFined has always been the un-Vice - they're not hip and aloof from what they observe, they're dorky and aloof from what they observe.

Nobody has successfully made a persistent virtual space that attracts all participants. This despite the fact that it's been the Great Shining Future since Tron. Seriously - every cyberpunk book, story, comic or movie you've ever seen has some form of "jacking into the matrix" or some shit. It's as inevitable as the iPad was once Vannevar Bush drew a Memex in 1945.

The fact that every technological innovation ends up popping social indicates how badly we want it... and the fact that none of them stick indicates that nobody can figure out how to monetize it. Maybe Epic will blunder their way there but for now, the space doesn't attract anyone who doesn't already have a reason to be there.