The Owners of the "Federal Reserve" bank are Zionists and have a steadfast goal and plan to create a Zionist One World Government and control it and make the American people and the other people of the world their slaves. This single motive means they are totally against the United States. Over the last 60 years they have taken full control of the United States government.
They pay off politicians to appoint more Zionists and pay them off to vote in ways that will create a Zionist One World Government. Many politicians are employed by the “Federal Reserve” bank on the weekends. Zionists are now in federal, state, and local government. The Zionists want China to be the head of the Zionist One World Government and are trying to start WW3 so that the Untied States loses.
The Zionists have numerous methods of controlling the United States. By controlling the United States government and economy they cause turmoil in the United States so that they can accomplish their only goal which is a Zionist One World Government. They have enough money to do this since they are the owners of the “Federal Reserve” bank which is not a government agency and is privately owned. They print money out of thin air for a cost of pennies and give it to the United States and charge interest on it. 50% of American’s tax dollars are being used to pay this interest year after year.
By doing this the Zionists stole 500 trillion dollars from the American people, and don’t care about money since it is now no object to them. All they care about now is creating a Zionist One World Government and to have full control where everyone else is their slave or “Goyim” meaning “human cattle”.
The Zionists are psychopathic, their single desire is to create a Zionist One World Government that is full of destruction, death, and pain. They are global and also use the 500 trillion dollars to fund and create terrorist groups globally and make the United States go to war with them never-endingly, playing one side against the other while they hide with their money and mansions off-shore.
The Rothschild Family - Puppet Masters - World's Only Trillionaires - Full Documentary:
21 Methods for Total Destruction of America and Creating a Zionist One World Government:
The Zionists own the “Federal Reserve” bank and now completely control the government of the United States. They continually steal money from Americans by printing all the money they want out of thin air and charging Americans interest on it.
Glen Beck explains (and gets fired by Fox):
The Federal Reserve Fraud:
Obtain positions in the United States federal, state, and local governments just to bring in more Zionists to get Zionist One World Government policies passed. For instance, the attempt to destroy the Net Neutrality rules is being done by Zionists.
Ted Gunderson of the FBI explains:
Funding and creating diabolical companies like Monsanto and Haliburton by giving them favorable interest rates and giving favorable interest rates to Zionist run corporations to take over other non-Zionist corporations.
Pay off politicians to appoint more Zionists in other area of government. The “Federal Reserve” bank employs many politicians on the weekends. 7 out of the 9 members of the Foreign Relations Committee are Zionists.
Create and fund terrorist groups overseas and do false flag attacks so that they can bring the United States into never-ending wars.
9/11 The New Pearl Harbor:
Boston Marathon Bombing was another false flag attack:
Create false flag attacks to scare you into giving up your Constitutional rights.
Destabilize foreign governments just to replace them with new governments that are puppets of the Zionists.
Proved by Storm Clouds Gathering:
Population control with Chemtrails / Geo-engineering, by spaying Aluminum, Barium, Lead, Fluoride, and viruses from airplanes they cause cancer, heart disease, neurological troubles, loss of IQ, alzhiemers, autism, cancer and sickness and also poison the crop and water supplies, and create droughts and hurricanes to control the food and water supplies, and poison the soil with Aluminum so plants can no longer grow healthy and patented Monsanto GMO food that is engineered to grow in a high Aluminum environment must be used.
Chemtrails are scheduled by the U.N. to kill 2 Billion over 50 years:
Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped
Geoengineering And The Collapse Of Earth 2014 THIS MUST BE SHARED!
Kristen Meghan an Air Force Official Explains:
What Chemtrails are Doing to Your Brain, Dr Russel Blaylock Explains:
The intentions for spraying Chemtrails on populations:
The economic gain the Zionists will achieve by spraying Chemtrails on populations, because by controlling the weather, and poisoning the soil with Chemtrials they can make a lot of money from their patents in GMO plants that can survive in "high stress" environments like droughts, and polluted soil, and other plants wont be able to, so you will be forced into using poisonous GMO food:
Push vaccinations that contain Aluminum which causes Autism, and Alzheimers later in life.
Push poison food like Monsanto GMO foods, aspartame, and partially hydrogenated oils.
Putting Fluoride in your water just like Hitler did to his prisoners.
Pay off politicians to vote the ways they want to bring about a Zionist One World Government, money is no object.
Kill politicians that oppose them. JFK
Create economic bubbles and crash them, like the 2008 economic crash.
Lie to Congress by using Zionist paid scientists and researchers who give Congress faked and faulty information and study results. For instance, the Monsanto GMO food studies, Aspartame studies, and studies on Global Warming.
Completely own the news and media, to control, censor, and spread lies and to create a sense of fear in America, so they can get Americans to give up their Constitutional rights like the right to own guns.
Manipulate food and gasoline prices to put Americans further in debt.
Child Kidnapping for prostitution purposes for Owners of the "Federal Reserve" bank in the United States government.
Setting up the UN agenda 21 for population control and purposely dumbing down education in the United States because they believe that dumb people use less natural resources.
Attempting to make China the head of the Zionist New World Government.
Zionists use antisemitism and the holocaust to claim they are victims and continually perpetrate extreme evil acts worldwide like killing Palestinians every day on land they don’t own.
21 Ways to stop the Zionists from taking down America:
Abolish the “Federal Reserve” bank.
Get ready for Martial Law so when the Zionists decide to crash the US Dollar you will be prepared.
Own guns, and ammo.
Tell everyone you know in police, military, state, local govt, and Congress to stop the dirtbag Zionists.
Create powerful new laws at the state level to protect the people against the Zionists.
Set up public banks that are backed by each state:
Tell your state government to use gold and silver coins as currency.
Don’t use United States Dollar notes, use alternate currencies and barter.
Use your United States Dollar notes to buy gold and silver. Don’t borrow money.
Get out of debt completely.
Use alternative news sources. Such as:
Take back education by teaching students to think.
Read and watch youtube about these garbage maggots so you know how they operate.
Educate others about these scumbag psychopath Zionists through conversation, blogs, and meetings.
Don't drink water with Fluoride in it.
Avoid GMO and poisonous food, grow your own food, use solar panels, and get off the grid completely.
Try to protect yourself from Chemtrails by moving to lower populated areas, a population of less then 90k or the countryside where the Zionists spay less Chemtrails.
Get all the damn Zionist scumbags out of the United States government by all means necessary.
Never let a Zionist into the United States government or any other government.
Never vote for a Zionist.