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illu45's comments

I mean, it is called /r/all for a reason, though I'm not sure what algorithm is used to determine what actually shows up. I try to avoid /r/all, since it seems to basically be a hub of shitposting, low-effort content, and random vitriol. If you do want to use it, you can try blocking particular subs using RES, making your own multireddit, or following a multireddit made by someone else.

Link to the actual study (Full text requires free registration, but abstract is viewable without it).

This is neat, but worth noting that it seems to be based purely on mathematical modelling, rather than any actual archaeological evidence, so the study's title of "Sex equality can explain the unique social structure of hunter-gatherer bands" (emphasis added) seems like a more apt title than the Guardian headline (which is pretty much par for the course when it comes to Science reporting, sadly).