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pseydtonne  ·  4190 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Don't Let Mumford & Sons Trick You Into Liking Them | NOISEY

I think a lot of the complaint comes from a simple place: "how come that band looks twee but they're knee deep in ladies?" The unspoken second sentence is usually "I dressed like that for years and my shows never filled the club let alone sold out a festival."

If you analyze M&S, it falls apart. The lyrics don't tell a full story and they don't change much from tune to tune. The tunes are wicked similar.

Nevertheless, they rawk out -- err, folk out. It's good fun. It's not deep, it's not challenging. It's not folk -- it's pop-rock with banjos and mandolins.

It's like Cheap Trick: totally fun, not challenging, and probably an amazing live show. "This... is the first... song... on our new... album."

We are also spoiled to live in an era of interesting music again, even in the pop world. For every One Direction are hundreds of other directions, any one of which could be coming to your town this weekend.

Is !!! deep? No. Are they a killer live show? Worth standing two hours outside.