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insomniasexx  ·  4077 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Followers of tags - Suggestion

I would guess that the # of posts is correlated to # of subscribers.

As you use hubski more, you will begin to understand (and hopefully enjoy!) the differences between reddit's subreddit/subscriber vs hubski's users/followers. Hubski is less about communities based around tags and more about the larger community of users who have a variety of interests, opinions, and viewpoints.

While following tags is a nice way to get started and feel out users and the site, I would recommend you start to follow users more and more and rely less on your tags to create a desirable feed.

By following users, your hubski feed will have serendipity: you will get users posting things that you are interested in, but perhaps some things you aren't as interested in. In real life, you're friends don't have an identical set of interests to you. You may share common ones, but you also discover things you wouldn't ever actively seek out.

We recently added a feature where if you rollover the username, a little number appears by it. This is the number of times you have shared something by this person. Start following the people that post content you consistently share. Chances are you will happy with the things that start appearing on your feed.

And remember, you can always unfollow them later if it turns out you don't like them. It's hubski, not a 16th century marriage.