He also did an interview on Fresh Air with Terry Gross, that is much much better: http://www.npr.org/2013/07/15/198040928/christ-in-context-ze... I read his AMA on reddit, although it was a bit shallow at points (basically every response to his response was "But you're Muslim?" which got annoying quickly. But there were a couple good points and longer discussions in there. One quote that really stuck out to me was by another commenter: If I recall correctly, a metaphor goes: there once were three flies standing outside a stained glass window. One fly saw through a green pane and described everything he saw as being green. Another saw through the red pane and said it was all red, not green. The third saw through a blue pane and stated they we're both wrong since it was obviously blue. At the end of the day, the three flies died of old age and their children inherited the debate without ever looking for themselves. Many centuries later, there is still widespread disagreement and all of the flies seem to have forgotten what it was that they even saw behind the stained glass window. I like this metaphor. A lot. Listening to the Fresh Air interview and reading the AMA paints a fascinating portrait of a religious guy, who is also a very intelligent scholar. He is self aware in his beliefs, especially his changing beliefs in his younger years.[–]oldschoolcool 1926 points 1 day ago