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mk  ·  4166 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Life Lessons in the Culture Of Bullshit

    I believe Barack Obama represents this movement, that the rise of his candidacy was in part a consequence of the desire for greater authenticity in our public life.

Hm. Perhaps his first election, but the last one felt pretty conventional to me.

I also wonder if we have really reached peak bullshit when so much of what I hear these days sounds like doublespeak. John Stewart draws an audience, but I haven't yet seen a politician backpedal after being called out by him. News organizations trade in opinions these days, and facts are forced to be equally measured against them. I'm not entirely cynical about this, but IMO the death of investigative journalism has created a large vacuum for BS to fill; and now the DOJ attack upon journalism might prevent it from being reclaimed. I don't think Bullshit is on the ropes.