As someone who just got her boss a Windows 8 laptop, it is a fucking nightmare. Even after spending an hour redoing every setting, installing heaps of little programs to make usability a LITTLE bit more like what she is used to, disabling that stupid app screen that confused her, and making it so pictures and shit open in normal applications, she still managed to end up on some fullscreen amazon page. 20 minute phone call later I still have no idea where she is or how she ended up there or how to escape the madness. Gestures, hot corner, what the fuck ever. These are OPTIONS that should be limited to people with a little computer knowledge. The typical windows user will not understand and no matter how much Windows may try to force it upon them, it is a completely lost cause. She is now considering returning the computer for a mac because she can somehow navigate my laptop better than hers at this point. Failure all around.