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hiss  ·  4302 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Economics of Netflix's "House of Cards"

    Second, Netflix needs to raise their game significantly over House of Cards to keep viewers interested. That show is garbage, and I only finished the season, because my gf wanted to. That, of course, is pure opinion. But HBO is really good at producing universally loved content. I don't care for Girls, but I don't think its a bad show, just not my taste. There's a huge difference.

Very well put, and you're honestly one of, if not the, first person outside my immediate social circle to publish this opinion. I couldn't even make it past the first two minutes of House of Cards. I know my tastes run a little odd, but I'm not a fan of Kevin Spacey and the writing in that first sequence, where he offs the dog, is so incredibly thin and lame I didn't care what it was meant to set up. I also agree with your point re: Girls. There's a difference between "bad" and "not my thing".