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theadvancedapes  ·  4059 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski Update: Mirrored threads (an experiment)

Hello hubski

I have been a member of this link aggregator and discussion community for nearly a year now. Since joining I have found Hubski to be a thoughtful community and a great place for me to share my own ideas, as well as learn from others. In fact, Hubski embodies everything that I have come to love about the internet. Regardless of where you live, as long as you have an internet connection you have access to a group of people who are open-minded, honest, and intelligent.

Throughout my experience I have increasingly gravitated towards Hubski for advice, friendship, and collaboration. I have had a great time collaborating with thenewgreen on The New Green Podcast and with b_b on his TAA Forms of Life blog. Hubski has also been supportive of me during two of the biggest developments in my personal career this past year: my first Scientific American post, and my first official animated YouTube video. I have also found great ways to improve my own writing and new platforms to showcase my writing through Hubski. For me, it is always a little overwhelming to know that there are a group of people “out there” in the wider world that I have never met in physical reality (except for lil!), yet compose a significant (and hopefully growing) part of my life.

Either way, I am very pleased to collaborate with Hubski on discussion integration with The Advanced Apes. If you are have not visited this site before, it is a website dedicated to the popularization of evolutionary science (with a focus on anthropology and biology). At the moment, the site has integrated a blog network, Videocast, and Channel. I take the development of this site very seriously and hope that you have enjoyed (or will enjoy) the content I produce in the future.

I have always been very open to suggestion or advice for improvement, so feel free to contact me via Hubski or email (cadell.last@gmail.com).