Let's get real weird up in here.
* The Nihilist Spasm Band is a canadian band that has been made around since the 1960s and makes there own instruments. A few songs: Destroy the Nations, Dog Face Man and here is them on some random Japanese TV show I think talking about their instruments.
* Hasil Adkins he made really weird rockabilly. There was a fairly interesting documentary up on youtube about him but it seems to be gone here is a promo from another doc. Songs: She Said, No More Hot Dogs,
* There is of course legendary punk rocker gg allin. I've never really listened to his music, but he is a legend in his own bizarre right.
* Silver Apples aren't weird by today's standards but Oscillations was very strange by 1968's standards.
Moving toward's contemporary.
* HEALTH is fairly strange they make pretty aggressive hardcore/noise music. Die Slow