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BANE  ·  4128 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Following users and Hubski

However, this does not really come across in this website's design. I know this is a pretty new site, and a lot of the details have yet to be worked out, but a few things could be done to emphasize Hubski's "user-centrism". It's not that old its like two years now since it started. I'm not sure what could be done to improve that though, the author is right next to the tag...

First is by switching around a little bit of the terminology. There's a nice big "submit a post" button. But that feels very "Reddit". You could change the text to something more along the lines of "share something" Share something sounds very similar to submit a post, although I can see where you are coming from.

I would also make user profiles a little more "full fat". I kinda like the way they are now, it shows some of the profile while keeping the site in the background to make it sort of a pop-up look.

Another suggestion I would make is to put a user's newest post at the top, and have it move around the page based on time and "hotness". Assuming they are based with the best things at the top, I would recommend keeping it that way, I personally would rather see a users best work as opposed to their newest.