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user-inactivated  ·  4142 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Never thought I'd become a Tebow sympathizer, but ESPN is going too far.

You're right about why ESPN is piling onto him. What I don't understand is why anyone still cares to read/watch news about the backup quarterback of a mediocre team. If you're an NFL fan, you almost certainly have a team, and are thus primarily interested in it and its most connected teams. And then you may be interested in "stories," like Peterson this year, or the Patriots' undefeated attempt a few years back. None of this leaves any room for Tebow, unless I'm missing something. He's not a story, he's just a player. Colt McCoy is also a backup quarterback on a mediocre team who had success in college. No one talks about him, because he's just another player who hasn't particularly distinguished himself.

I do not get it.