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user-inactivated · 4409 days ago · link · · parent · post: I'm Sick Of Pretending: I Don't "Get" Art | VICE
It follows from what you say later about Nolan/Anderson that this means you understand what people see in Van Gogh but don't see it yourself? So since you understand it but don't agree with it, that's not an admission of failure? I see. This seems to me to bring up this difference: often, when people say they "don't get modern art," it actually means they "don't get the appeal of modern art." Which is like you saying you didn't give a shit about Van Gogh. So is that excusable?I wandered through the entire bicentennial Van Gogh exhibit in Amsterdam and didn't really give the first shit - saw Starry Night in person and everything. But there was something about Yves Klein Blue that left me positively gobsmacked.