I legitimately cannot name a single good thing that has happened within the system since Obamacare. The Dems just voted to give the president power to label any nonprofit as a terrorist group, and passed a bill to make school kids learn that Red China is the worst country in the world and 1,500,000,000 people suffer under communism. We will not get socialized anything. We will not get better healthcare. My sister studied eco science and has been trying to do something related to climate change ever since. The closest you can get to that is a job telling HOA's what trees are safe to be chopped down, or trimming hedges for rich assholes. I've got a job at an accessibility company making products for blind people and our products are trash and anyone who buys them is making a huge mistake. I want to get another job but it's a corporate wasteland and they're not hiring anyways. I'll believe working within the system is a possibility the moment any of the thousands of people trying to do that accomplish anything, but as far as I can tell every systemic problem (climate change, wealth inequality, etc.) is not only getting worse but speeding up in how fast it's getting worse. Don't have any answers and obviously killing a CEO doesn't change anything. But it was just and it was funny and gave millions of people a tiny win and I'm not sure there's much else a TESCREAL dipshit could hope to do