S/O called in the 'rents (who brought their anxious dogs) to stay over for the week. While they are mostly here in an emotional support capacity, they are also helping re-paint the house. To add to it, her best friend stayed a night as well, bringing her cat, so the house has been bursting at the seams as guests come and go this past week (cousins visiting, other friends come for dinner, etc.). In an odd spot where I'm just being 'supportive' throughout it all, but goddamn dude. I need a break. I am thankful for the choice of job made in January, at least. It's way more flexible than I thought it would be. Though, I've had a few clarifying moments that I want to switch into project management, and stay in renewable development career-wise. Deciding to build up enough savings again, then start looking again next January. Would like to post my DeSantis blurb over the weekend once guests are gone. Small disclaimer, a fair bit of information I'm sourcing is word-of-mouth from friends & acquaintances who (A) work in or around lobbying/ists in FL, (B) are New College alum, (C) talk around town. Also, some of this is not as topical as the bills that are cooking in FL legislature now (which has a Republican supermajority)... this all to say, some information doesn't touch on all the most recent events, and my sources to articles may be a little lazy. I'd hope to have more bandwidth by the weekend to prove otherwise. The hope with the post is to draw a through-line in related FL news to show how we got here, and what yaboi Ronnie Ds agenda looks like at large for FL as a preview of what to expect if elected.