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Patrick Freyne is a top notch satirist and this article summed up the ridiculousness perfectly. My favourite bit is the commas around "also", its just perfect.

I had an argument with a friend recently, triggered by the Meghan interview (Meghxit? although surely now that Oprah and Beyonce are involved it should be Meghan-gate as the culture-court-case has been moved across the atlantic, clever move by the Sussexs PR team) on whether the Royal family was racist.

To me (whos great grandfather was shot by a clown), the royal family of a kingdom that has generated no less than 65 national independence days transcends the term racist. They are brought up to believe the blood of great kings flows in their veins, are surrounded by staff, and well... treated like royalty. Such a life does not help keep ones feet on the ground. It's a prerequisite for the job to see everyone who isn't family as "lesser", thats the whole fucking point of being royal. But "racist" doesnt cover it, I mean the now beloved (white,english,never divorced) Kate was a commoner who didn't pass muster with most Royalists some years ago.

My friend had a different view, and while they didn't go so far as to defend the Queen as a bastion of equality, they were ruffled by the overwhelming sense that Meghan and Harry are obviously ambitious celebrity types who are playing the situation for monetary gain. And its very hard for my friend to side with people who are dramatizing events (real or not) in their personal life for social/monetary gain; it goes without saying my friend has spent little time in America and thus is uneducated on the enlightened times we find ourselves in.

The following day I had a conversation with a British friend of mine who had taken umbrage with the couples belief that their child should have similar security as Prince Williams son, his point being that one was a "common" child and the other was "heir to the throne of England for gawd sakes!" and how ridiculous it was to compare them. When I (admittedly calculating his response, but feeling I needed to get one back for my poor dead great grandad who they shot in the haybarn) pointed out that both were "just kids" and should be seen as such, and that the real problem in my view was that fools believe one is more important than the other, his harrumphing could be heard in Worcestershire.

Its ALMOST like treating people differently because of who their ancestors were is an all round bad fucking idea.