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user-inactivated  ·  1455 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: May 20, 2020

Every time I look at the pricing on higher end Apple kit I think someone really needs to try being SGI again. Gamers aren't going to be subsidizing wintel forever, between phones and games targeting every platform so there's not much of an advantage in a gaming PC over a console since the games are built around console limitations. Build a nice RISC architecture with good video and audio built in, port linux or FreeBSD to it and pay cad/audio/video vendors and Wolfram to port their applications, make sure it speaks Vulkan, and have a relatively cheap nerd toy offering to ensure the free software ecosystem will get ported to it. You'd own the big data space too because no one who still has to care about their CPU architecture likes x86.