Still wandering around this painting. Adding a flaming yellow tree center right. The trunk is just kinda floating there atm. My daughter is shooting arrows, and she's pretty good. Yesterday she got a bulls-eye and left it in the hay so I could see it when I got home. Today was a 24 hour fast. My plan is to do it once a month. Going from dinner to later dinner isn't difficult at all. I'm looking forward to some family holiday time. No travel until the new year, but the first few months will probably be nuts. I think I already have three trips in January. There is only one Pubski left in this decade. Is Peaky Blinders any good? I started reading David Foster Wallace's A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again. I'm enjoying it, but an essay that he wrote on television seems to trite and dated. It makes me realize that half the shit we say about technology is going to cease to matter soon after it does.