Very good atmosphere in these tracks. I'm really enjoying them. Congratulations. Life can be tough, and it has many traps, but we have always to give it a chance. I failed as a professional musician, yet I still play music. I failed as an artist, yet I can't stop creating. I went down the abyss after my heart was broken horribly, and I'm still here, moving forward smiling at life. And many other sad things happened in my life, but I always fought back and raised myself better than before. I think that those moments where everything seems lost, are moments of personal growth. I think it makes us stronger. Much stronger than we ever thought. One day someone told me "don't be so hard on yourself". The same I say to you. Time will heal everything. Just take it easy. Everyone just said it, but I say it as well: You do have friends. They're there. You just don't see them because you're paying attention to your busy life. It's part of being an adult. And my last advice: Don't stop composing that beautiful music. "Life is full of surprises!"