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user-inactivated  ·  2172 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Cal Newport on Why We'll Look Back at Our Smartphones Like Cigarettes

From my perspective, because the companies behind these technologies are designing them the way they are, people who have a problem with trying to limit their interactions with these technologies shouldn't have to shoulder all of the blame.

    Regardless of how insidious smartphones and their apps become, you still have a choice. Pick up the phone or don't. Open the app or don't. You know you have these choices.

No doubt, but it's not that binary. Different people struggle with different things to different degrees.

Not everyone has a problem with alcohol, but when a person who has a serious problem with alcohol decides to stop going to bars and liquor stores as part of their attempt to tackle their problems, they're not being weak, they're making a mature, responsible decision.

Not everyone has a problem with gambling, but when a person who has a serious problem with gambling decides to stop visiting casinos and racetracks as part of their attempt to tackle their problems, they're not being weak, they're making a mature, responsible decision.

I could go on with examples forever, from food to toxic relationships to types of media exposure, but you get my point. Sometimes part of taking control of ourselves and our behaviors involves understanding how the environments we expose ourselves to affects us and understanding how changing or limiting our exposure to those types of environments can give us that control. For some people, for some situations, that might mean 100% abstinence. If someone decides that "Yes, social media is too much of a problem for me and the realistic solution is to just completely opt out," that's their decision, that's how they're choosing to not pick up the phone, not open the app. There really isn't anything wrong with that, and there's nothing to say they can't change their minds down the road.