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user-inactivated  ·  1920 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Cal Newport on Why We'll Look Back at Our Smartphones Like Cigarettes

Is it bad I'm reading this article on gasp a smartphone?

    In 2004, when Cal Newport was still an undergrad at Dartmouth, all his friends were making accounts on a new website called Facebook. Newport opted out.

It sounds like Mr. Cal Newport has been trying to avoid technology for a while. The reason technology is driving him crazy has little to do with the tech itself. Rather, life is driving him crazy, and he thinks if he unplugs from life he'll become magically satisfied having reclaimed that time to stare at a wall and write shitty self help books (also an addiction see: my brother).

    Okay, well what's the cost in terms of my time attention required to have this device in my life?

Or reading a newspaper. What about decades ago when the average American used to spend 5 hours a day watching television? Everything in life is addictive. Information is addictive. Books are addictive. Falling in love is addictive. Comparing it to cigarettes is absolute mayhem given AS A MILLENIAL there are many people my age hacking the darts and posting on Instagram and only one of those behaviours is giving you a fucking tumour. Somehow my dad managed to get distracted enough to fail out of the university in the 70's without smartphones. It was called playing pool and getting piss drunk every weekend. Didn't need any deep work for that.