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ecib  ·  4233 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How 'Sam Bacile' Bamboozled the AP, Wall Street Journal Over Anti-Muslim Film

    Please don't put words in my mouth and I won't accuse you of getting your talking points from the DNC.

    The US Government should NEVER have a position crossways of any Amendment and certainly not the first. From the OFFICIAL state department tweet: The US deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others.

    Really? That is not an acceptable position.

I don't need to put words in your mouth, you said it right there. Saying that the US is against intentional denigration of religion is not an acceptable message. Lets ignore the fact that these types of messages have been made by presidents since our county's inception and have even been written into the language of laws passed long ago. No, THIS is different. THIS is bad.

    As an aside, within 24 hours the the film-maker gets exposed, BY NAME, his neighborhood and town identified, and then gets hauled in for a potential parole violation.

Um, if he is unmasked in the media as the man behind this internet film that the whole world is looking for, and his parole officer is aware that he's not allowed to use a computer or internet as terms of his probation you don't think they are going to check to see if he violated them? Or the condition that he was under requirements to provide authorities with records of all his bank and business accounts, yet he made this film incognito?

Or here is the real kicker:

    "The probation order authorized in June 2010 warned Nakoula against using false identities. Nakoula was told not to "use, for any purpose or in any manner, any name other than his/her true legal name or names without the prior written approval of the Probation Officer."

Which he clearly did, and there is no way his probation officer could possibly ignore that.

No no, it's much easier to invent a Soviet style conspiracy and pretend he didn't do it to himself and make it COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE for them to ignore what look to be at least some blatant probation violations. Give me a break.