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Innat3vacillat3  ·  2243 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How Conservative Christianity Can Warp the Mind

As far as change goes, I think better early childhood education could indirectly tackle problems on many cultural home beliefs that negatively impact society. I'm learning about child development currently, and (if I remember right) from about 6 months to 6 years the brain develops the most. Anyhow with low income families especially early childhood education helps a lot, leading to a higher paycheck and much lower chance of jail as adults. Early childhood education also leads to higher education and IQ.

So while Christianity does damage to the children in America, so do many other things and I want to advocate for solutions that will strengthen all children.

It's just unfortunate that while society see's children as malleable, we don't recognize the biological impact poor parenting will negatively have on children.