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user-inactivated  ·  2419 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Perfection In A Black-On-Black Datsun Wagon

I used to go to car shows and cars and coffee a lot. These past two summers have not been my luck though. McLarens and Bentleys and what have you are all a normal part, but they never get me excited because A) I know I could never own one and B) usually they're completely stock and that can be kind of boring. What I love is when people get creative and it's often a joy to see. I have seen some crazy cool custom cars and it's amazing what someone can do with something that's very pedestrian. When you pass by a Toyota Echo or a Cavalier Wagon that subconsciously turns your head, you know you have something cool. Cause seriously, there's nothing cool about those cars stock.