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user-inactivated  ·  2760 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Shake it up. Offer up one somewhat unpopular opinion that you hold.

Since just about all of these are tame and float around the edge of the hive mind, what the hell, I'll go.

I am significantly more socially conservative that most of the people of Hubski. And since that term has been bastardized by the religious loons, let me explain. "Social Conservative" in my definition is the preservation of the family unit as an anchor for a strong neighborhood, city, state and nation. One of the main roles of the government should be the strengthening and preservation of the family unit through taxation policies, welfare, health spending and social safety nets. Kids need two parents. Having a child as a single parent is foolish and selfish. The children of single parent families, both single moms and single dads, fare far, FAR worse in adulthood than children of two parents. It is turning out that even homosexual couples together in stable relationships raise kids that are just as good as straight couple. Data is still incoming but it is starting to look like two parents don't care about the dangly bits only that both parents are involved and in the kid's life. No Fault Divorce was a mistake, and alimony should go away; it's not the 1950's where women leave the workforce for a few decades to raise kids and have no job prospects any more. We as a society are far too sexually promiscuous for our own good as well and STD's that should have been on the ropes are making comebacks.

The government should move away from "marriage" and more toward a "civil union" model so that the religious and traditional people can get a marriage and have that mean what they want. Everyone going into a union should be forced to have a counseling session with a lawyer and draw up a pre-nup, have it explained that "marriage" is not a wedding and is in fact a major fiscal and legal binding agreement. The marriage chapels in Vegas will go out of business, or will have to change to make this happen, and nothing of value will be lost. Having watched gay friends go through the legal hoops needed to protect them selves in a way a straight couple can by walking into a courthouse really drove the point home to me that this agreement adds over a thousand legal and economic protections that are taken for granted by most of us.

There are only two reasons for a couple with kids to get divorced. One, physical violence. If you are getting beat up, get out. Period. Second, adultery. If they are willing to lie and cheat on you once, they will do so again, and that is not right to force someone to live with another person who disrespects them in that manner. Everything else, if there are kids in the marriage? Either wait until the kids are adults or do what everyone else has done for centuries and work it out and deal with your problems like adults.

Adding onto this, welfare should reward families for staying together. Right now, welfare may not be designed to break up families but that is the end result of our social spending. Instead extra money should be given to to bolster in-tact families. Mom and dad still together with the kids? Use Section 8 housing to put them in an abandoned house instead of in the projects and use the extra money to encourage the family to improve the house. Keep the mom and dad together, help them get through the tough time so the kids are less likely to go to jail, do drugs, and be a drain on the taxpayer in a decade. I'm not sure if there is a way to structure the social safety net to discourage out-of-wedlock births, but that is something that needs to be looked at with a serious lens. If you are a single parent, you should get less welfare and benefits. Working the welfare system in such a way that it demands intact families will lower the prison pipeline, make the schools more stable, lower teenage crime and reduce underage drinking and teen pregnancy. Also I'd like to see an end to school busing programs and a return to neighborhood schools. Find a way to make school funding work better so that the schools in poor areas suck less. One thing I see here is that they bus the kids a hour across town and then the parent, some of whom work two jobs and don't have a car, can't go to the school, talk to the teachers and otherwise can't get involved. This leads to a devaluing of an education in the home. If the school in the in the neighborhood, however, families can see it as a real thing to anchor the area and not an abstract babysitter "over there somewhere." Removing busing in some parts of the country are going to have to be followed up on changes to school funding, but its an idea.

Other than that? I don't care who you are banging. Gay people should be allowed to have the legal and financial benefits of marriage/civil unions. Want to sleep around a lot with lots of people? Go for it, just don't have kids unless you are in a stable coupling.

Oh, and visible tattoos and body modification are stupid. WTF is up with the idiotic nose ring thing? And gauges? Stop that shit.