I know that Tim Urban is excited about where this hypothetical invention is taking us, but to be honest, it's pretty terrifying that someday with the aid of this device you could have your perception of reality tailored - hell, altered radically - without your knowledge or consent. Hell, I can easily imagine some sort of malevolent code that would override specific commands to the nervous system and make it impossible for you to will your arms to take it off. Boom, you're permanently jacked in whether you like it or not, and will continue to suffer the effects of the corrupted hardware feeding input straight into your brain. Hack a device to make someone experience an irresistible urge to do something. Boom, instant Imperious Curse a la Harry Potter. Multiply that effect and you have an army of body snatchers, slaves to your will. Got an enemy? Hack their visual cortex to give them signals that the brain interprets as terrifying imagery, maybe for a few minutes a day, maybe for the entirety of their waking lives. Boom, instant Black Mirror episode / permanent sleep paralysis. I guess my point is that there are a lot of ways this could go wrong, and I think it could go a lot more wrong than Tim writes. Maybe that's paranoid of me. But for me to adopt something like this I'd have to be convinced that the security of such a device would be miles above any consumer electronics product currently on the market.