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user-inactivated  ·  2557 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: There might not be a ‘Planet Nine’ after all

    I've seen some people tactfully keep god in their lives while doing great science, and I'm trying to shy away from phrasing things in a militant tone. At least for now. The opposite comes more naturally anyway.

The Big Bang Theory was proposed by the Vatican's Astronomer after looking through Einstein's equations. Darwin was a very devoutly religious man who had major a crisis of faith over evolution. Those are off the top of my head. Newton and Leibniz fought over calculus in part due to the religious differences between the two men. Ken Miller is a devout Catholic who gives pro-evolution speeches and presentations. We could sit here and name thousands of people in this camp.

Religion is not the issue. Fanatic, regressive, nutballs are the problem. Ken Ham is a one-man atheist creation engine. Liberty University is using their narrow religious world view to fuck over the country. We could sit here and name thousands of people in this camp.

    I'm not sure that those social media accounts have a one-to-one correspondence with American citizens.

Canada, Australia, UK, Ireland, Turkey, Germany and Russia are putting in a good fight against the American nutballs. I'd love to link a few but screw helping them rise in google searches.