So here are some things I like about Trump. He is not selectively enforcing the immigration laws. I think that was a very dangerous precedent that President Obama set by 'prioritizing enforcement.' But I'm a Libertarian. We're supposed to be all about free trade and open borders right? Yep. That's why I like this enforcement. It showcases how ridiculous our immigration laws are. We're trying to 'stem the tide of immigrants' that is actually a net negative since 2009. He's going to enforce marijuana laws. Which is going to force the federal repeal of those laws or the election of people who will in two years. Republicans are going to start seeing that as a liability against Democrats really soon and are going to all of a sudden remember that they're supposed to be about states rights and freedom and bullshit like that. He's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act. I'm not silver-lining this one. The ACA is a terrible solution to a real problem. The Affordable Care Act is a terrible compromise bill. It makes no damn sense. You literally force everyone to buy insurance from the companies that helped craft the bill, and then you brag about coverage numbers? Yeah dude, you made it illegal not to buy it, you're going to get people buying it. But most of all, Trump is now holding the keys to the grossly expanded power of the executive branch after years and years of unbridled expansion at the hands of anti-terrorist Patriot Act fuckers like Bush and Obama. Remember PRISM, and the metadata programs? They're still going on, and now Trump has the keys. As are a ton of other programs that you've never heard of. And he's going to use them in crazy Nixon esque ways. And I hope he does because then people will get royally pissed off a shut them down. The glory of Trump is that he's going to use all the power that everyone gave him and then we'll be reminded of how stupid it is to give the president that much power. And as for the constitution being inadequate and ossified, that's because we've stripped it of so much power. Who can declare war? Constitutionally: Congress. Now? The President and I'm not just talking about the War Powers and Police Actions. I'm talking about the blanket power that Bush got when we decided that we can declare war on terrorism. So now Trump can just declare some group terrorist and he can declare war on them as a part of the GWOT without congressional input. Good job, check and balances! This shit is going to get crazy. Old Man Coyote is going to make it rain.