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user-inactivated  ·  2645 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: February 7th seems like a good day for a book thread.

Western is definitely a genre that attracts my attention. I'm yet to see the 1960s classics, but I believe I've seen many of the popular modern ones.

I like Appaloosa very much; it's one of my favourite films ever. It's a touching story of two lawmen travelling from town to town and not bending a knee before whoever might terrorise the citizens. Everyone just nails their characters. If one was to apply "slice-of-life" to a western, it would be Appaloosa. It's more grounded interesting than many of the modern westerns I've seen with the way it deals with things about itself: it has its own quirks and doesn't fall under the Rule of Cool.