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Blackspeare · 4554 days ago · link · · parent · post: Romney and Bain Capital: The Secrecy is Killing Him
I like to look at inventions as to their impact on everyday life. First I would list the telegraph as probably he first invention to have overall impact followed by radio and television. In between we had the airplane and automobile. Then we had the electronic calculator and computer, which really did not change things just made things easier and more efficient. Of course the really big thing was the Internet and that changed alot through instant information/communication and you can add the cell phone to that. When I was growing I would read the comics with Dick Tracy with his “wrist-radio” who knew at that time it would come to fruition. Now what is the next big thing on he horizon. Like you say expanded wireless technology, but it won't change life just make it neater. In this regard the wireless transmission of electrical power is being sought. But in my personal opinion I believe the next invention to have impact will be the neutralization of gravity. Einstein's theory says gravity is a wave phenomenon and as such should be able to be counteracted. So just like Dick Tracy's wrist-radio, maybe Buck Rodgers anti-gravity belt is on the horizon!---but please don't bump into me when I'm hovering-you'll send me flying!!!
I haven't mention medical advances because that impact is on a different level.