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user-inactivated  ·  2686 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: December 7, 2016


I've noticed an uptick in the number of people at work asking me union/contract questions.

Q: "Hey, do you know when I get another year of vacation?"

A: You gain a week first year, second year, and then nothing till your eighth year."

Q: "Black friday is overtime, right?"

A: Your making double time. Plus holiday pay. You've been here 20 years, how do you not know this?

Q: "If I don't work the Saturday shift, is Sunday just overtime?"

A: It'd be straight time. Central region's supplement works by consecutive days worked, not calendar days. If you skip Sat and then work Sun, you make straight time until Friday, which'd be overtime and then Sat, which'd be doubletime.

Q: "Why isn't the union ok with management servicing packages?"

A: Because there is a finite amount of work to be done before they send us home. If management does it, they're stealing that work and associated time from unionized employees. NEVER LET MANAGEMENT WORK UNTIL THEY EXHAUST THE LIST OF EMPLOYEES WHO VOLUNTEERED TO DOUBLE SHIFT.

I'm really frustrated. I get why I'm getting asked these questions instead of a steward. It's bullshit that the local allows the stewards to be present-but-not-really there. When you first start, you have to do some serious detective work to figure out who the stewards even are, let alone figuring how they can assist you.