Americans? They riot. And brutalize each other. All so the construction industry can build more ridiculous shit on the back of the taxpayers, by selling them a load of bullshit. Uhm. I'm sorry. What point are you trying to make here? That sports are imperfect and rednecks are at fault? You're from Seattle, right? A stereotypical liberal haven full of rich millenials and the tech elite? Do the names "Seahawks" or "Mariners" mean anything to you? Did a bunch of conservative business cronies sneak on to the city board overnight and vote for policies to create and support these teams? Did the same thing happen over in Boston, home of the stereotypical ivy league liberals? It's not a Republican/Democrat thing bro, it's a politicians are a bunch of fuck heads thing. As for Europe? Dude, the UK coined the term Hooliganism when it comes to sports. Hell, in Europe and Africa, racism and soccer crowds seem to go hand in hand. And fucking shit. Sports isn't the only industry taking advantage of Americans. Healthcare costs rake millions of people over the coals every year and Obamacare was a sellout to the insurance agency. The banking crisis is just the tip of the iceberg of Americans getting screwed and I'm pretty positive it was Bill Clinton who repealed Glass-Steagall which lead to that crisis. You see any Republicans creating laws to fight predatory lending? Probably not. Then again, I don't see any Democrats tripping over themselves in an attempt to do the same.And a huge scam, that has been perpetrated by the construction industry. And, the way sports are supported in the USA, are simply a brutal form of tribalism. When I played rugby overseas, after a match both teams went out the bar and got drunk together and talked shit about the game. Everyone walked off the field and left the game on the field.