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camarillobrillo  ·  2746 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Harry Reid accuses FBI Director James Comey of violating the Hatch Act

I honestly don't know if I'll be able to handle it. My GF gets tearyeyed just talking about it. We live in Louisiana and we're surrounded on all sides by coonasses. Lovable coonasses to be sure but 50's men, and women for chrissakes! We early voted the other day, for Hillary. Believe it or not, it was the first time I've ever voted. I don't even really like Hillary but holy fuck Trump scares the shit out of me. It's deeply unsettling to me that this country is 50/50 between an intelligent, skillful diplomat and this orange Frankenstein gorilla. How can people hate a qualified woman so much? How the fuck did we even come to this? After 8 years of Obama, a Trump presidency? I feel like I've been having a bad trip for months.

Either way I'm gonna have a bottle of the good stuff this November 8th. The question is whether I call in sick the next day...

E: I mean, I'm trying to picture President Trump and my mind crashes like a blue screen of death. DOES NOT COMPUTE. JESUS CHRIST, IT'S A MADHOUSE! A MADHOUSE!

He has no real plans. Our economy will nosedive. Foreign relations will be destroyed. How is half the country for this shit?!?!?