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rjw  ·  2741 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: October 19, 2016

Thank you. These are some really good suggestions.

Regarding keeping busy, I still haven't nailed this. But I find that not having tasks that totally fill my day really fuck me up emotionally way more than I thought it would. The killer thing for me right now is if the people above me are busy on some urgent task and there's nothing on JIRA for me to do. I am going to keep a list of tasks that aren't on the current sprint that I can work on in the absence of anything else. Not sure if this is the right way to do things (we're using Scrum, this is something I would love to change but almost definitely cannot).

Getting pretty tired of coffee. The stuff from the machine tastes alright but when it becomes part of the everyday routine it loses its charm. What's the point? I know too many people who have got digestive problems from drinking too much of the stuff. Also addiction.

Headphones, yes good call. Sometimes the office is loud and that's a good time for it otherwise they're not needed.

I really love the idea of being "less" while at work. I just got back from visiting my friends back home and I got a bit emotional because I hadn't been around people who were showing so much love and attention to each other in so long. So I'd put that at the "all" end of the spectrum. I'll remember them when I'm stressing out at work.