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user-inactivated  ·  2786 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Because *OF COURSE* Apple is in talks to buy McLaren.

So I was at the gas station filling up today and taking a real good look at both a current generation Chevrolet Impala and a current generation Nissan Maxima and I was thinking to myself commuter cars are really starting to get attractive again. Stylish headlights and grills, body lines that didn't scream "performance" but also didn't weep "lame." Then I started to think about how Ford, Mazda, Kia, and a handful of other car makers are really on point with their designs right now. Then my mind wandered like it usually does and I got to wondering, when self driving cars get here, will people still feel the sense of attachment to their cars that makes styling so important? Or will everything get ugly or at least, bland?

Apple and McLaren are polar opposites of each other for style and if this goes through, I dread the final results. I was just having a though experiment this morning. I swear. I never asked for this.