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rthomas6  ·  2787 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What should teenagers spend their time doing?

What everyone else said, but here is something else I wish someone would have told me when I was 15. Go to the gym and lift heavy ass weights 3 times a week. There are several reasons why, but the reason I suggest it is this: How you wish to be perceived, i. e. how you see yourself, will not be how others see you unless you're 1. Confident and 2. Appear healthy and competent. And as shitty as this is, for young men especially, perception of health is strongly tied to a minimum amount of muscle mass and strength. So is perception of confidence. Yes it is vain and self-serving as hell, but it will open a huge amount of doors for you, not just romantically but socially and career-wise as well. I'm not talking about becoming a huge bodybuilder, I'm talking about giving off an aura of health and vitality.

I recommend stronglifts.org as a beginner program. If you do this now, during the latter half of puberty, you will experience synergy with your hormonal profile the way it is, and you will become strong and have vitality in a way that many people envy.