Not much is new. Next week is my last week of work thank fuck. Nothing new on the Fulbright front for now, made a post about orientation if you're interested in that. Saw one of my very very very favorite artists on Saturday and got to sit on stage for the majority of the show :O this was only slightly soured by a fan who thought we were new buddies talking through the slow/quiet songs WHILE ON STAGE like who fucking does that?? so she was weird but it was all good because i got to introduce 2 friends to his music which is always a plus. trying to brush up on Hebrew on duolingo which is going swimmingly (pretty easy language tbh, mostly relearning grammar and adding vocab) while also starting Albanian on Memrise, which is either not a great tool or it's a bad lesson. i just think it's weird the program says i've "learned" 70 something words but haven't strung a sentence together yet. the low level sentences on duolingo don't make a lot of sense but at least they give you a sense of how the language is structured. since he's not on here much any more, i'm taking the liberty of sharing this picture of topher in california playing the banjo for a bunch of pigs because just look at it