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user-inactivated  ·  2973 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A Stray and a Mother

While I have nothing profound to add to this thread, nor do I think any psychoanalysis is even appropriate. But, I'll write that this anecdote's theme was the very first thing I had thought about whilst finishing reading up. And I saw it come together as such:

    Every person on the street is somebody's Paul. And I need to do more. I'm not sure how yet.

    It's easy for us to become numb to the struggles of the world. In the small moments though, it's important to act, because everything that is big and important is made up of those small moments.

    You just help this one and that's all you can do" by which he meant since you can't help everyone, just focus on helping where you can and let that be enough. It doesn't solve the problem of choice, but it helped break that paralysis of what to do in the face of overwhelming need.

It's not completely in the same dimension, but I think it's worth mentioning I've read similar words here on Hubski already:

    Small changes and careful actions can be enough to start making a difference without driving yourself crazy.